Last night we were able to go through our photos (took almost a 1,000 photos) and are left with 100 some. Crazy how something can look neat to the eye but then you look at the photo and you think to yourself "Why did I take this again" and yep a lot of them were of lamp posts and doors! I had a bit of an obsession of these items which I will save for a later blog.
We flew Continental Airlines and they were fabulous! We had flown Continental two years ago for our honeymoon but at that time we did not have individual TV's that allowed you to play video games nor watch TV/ Movies when ever you wanted. The food was pretty good, we arrived early to our destination, and there was no lost luggage! Yay!
On our first day we were up for 36hrs. It helped that we had an overnight flight out of Newark but we were both def. ready to crash Saturday night.
One of our favorite things we did was the Fat Tire Bike Tour. We did this on Sat night. It was a five hour adventure of riding through the streets of Paris (8miles of riding), stopping for ice cream outside an apartment building that Johnny Dep has a place at, and then going on a boat tour on the Seine. It was the perfect way to get our adventure started.

On Sunday, we slept in and spent the day walking around the Marais area. (On Sundays they close a lot of the side streets so you do not have to worry about cars and can freely walk wherever you want). I was able to get my eclairs from Miss Manon! It was heavenly!

After eating at Miss Manon's we strolled over to Place de Vosges. It was beautiful with all the fall colors. That evening we attended Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral.

On Monday, we went and explored some more. We went back to the Eiffel Tower and did the whole tour. It made for a very long, cold two hours as it was a very windy day while we waited in line. I will never forgot how it felt to see the Eiffel Tower for the very first time on Saturday night but then to come back and take in the views from being on top was neat. Afterwards, we went to Sainte Chappelle.

Sorry for the long post but as you can see our days were busy, busy, busy.
Hope your Monday is off to a great start!