My wonderful friend
Lisa gave me a shout out last week for this fun blog award. Thank you, Thank you!!

The rules are:
List ten things that make you happy
Try and do one of them today
Tag ten bloggers that brighten your day
1. Eating cupcakes- you have no idea how much I love cupcakes
2. Getting new makeup. A new lipgloss can instantly make me happy.
3. Bubble baths.
4. My job. I love being able to work with kids that inspire me.
5. Coming home and my husband having a surprise for me for no reason.
6. Baking.
7. Roaming HomeGoods and Target- its my form of therapy.
8. Talking on the phone with my best friends and sister.
9. Spending lazy afternoons out by the pool reading a good book.
10. I love seeing white/ twinkle lights on trees no matter what time of the year it may be.
I really could go on and on as I do see myself as someone who is easy to please. I do have a lot of things I have learned to be thankful for. As I get older I do find myself being more thankful for what I have already accomplished in my life and what I do have vs what I do not have. I have really learned its who we are and not we have that makes a person happy.
Now for my 10 (sorry I only got to 5)
Thanks for all the blogging inspiration and if you know of a blog site that I may enjoy please let me know!