Sometimes only you can teach yourself a lesson. So much truth in this quote.

I have to admit I haven't had the greatest week. I realized that some people for whatever reason are not capable of showing their happiness or thankfulness for you in their life when I feel this is all I have done towards them. I always try to be thoughtful in my actions and I need to remember that not everyone sees or may feel the same way I do.
However, my week did end on a happy note. I had lunch one day with a good friend that has always been there for me. She is probably one of the most genuine people I know and she is truly a blessing to have in my life.
Another friend, reminded me of all the great things that are happening in my life and to not let actions that I have no control over take away those happy thoughts.
I sent a package to a dear friend. To hear how happy she was when I received her phone call instantly put a smile on my face.
I attended a training for school {I go back to work on Wednesday.. eeks}. The main point of it was
the moment we stop believing in ourselves we stop believing in the children we serve.
I received another cute baby gift this week. It has cupcakes on it! Little Miss R is truly becoming my little cupcake.
And... a new life was born this week! A dear friend of mine welcomed her beautiful baby girl into this word. Just seeing how happy her and her husband are and how precious this tiny bundle of joy can bring two people makes you realize that we can't let petty things get us down and take away our goal of being happy.