I have a list of summer projects I would to accomplish:
Keep my house clean by making sure all toys are put away and keeping up with the laundry
Learn how to make baby food {or at least make a majority of it}
Work on some craft projects {thinking headbands and learn how to use my sewing machine}
Party hunt for decorations and birthday cake ideas for Miss E. {Yes, I know her bday is not till December but I need to take advantage of this down time. I am planner after all.}
Learn how use my husbands SRL camera. {I am slowly learning, at the speed of a turtle.}
Try out some new recipes
Learn how to make cake pops {really want to serve cake pops at Miss E's birthday so I think I better start practicing now}
Sign up for infant/ parent swim lessons
That is my list but if you are looking for some ideas especially for children here you go. This adorable 101 bit of summer fun printable can be downloaded here via the tomkat studio via her friend Laura W.

and if you are looking for your own summer to do's list a free printable can be downloaded here via the girls from eighteen 25. My pink do to list is printing right now. So fun!
If you are have any fun summer plans or ideas please share!