I saw this on a blog that I read and I thought hmm, why not join in so... if we are going to be blog friends or you simply want to know more about me ask away. Anything you want ..
Perhaps you wonder where I love to shop at, do I enjoy buying groceries, what is my make up routine or better yet what is my favorite makeup product, what is my favorite meal, what is my favorite household chore and least favorite? Like I said, ask away friends!
To get started I will give you some insight and of course I would love to hear about you as well!
I am afraid of the circus. Not sure why, just am.
I am addicted to cheese
love baby clearance section at Target
I have a tendency to back into garbage cans. Good thing my new car has a backup camera.
(I think my husband was tired of replacing tail lights in my previous cars :)
Am not a fan of animals
Wish I lived near a beach
Horrible at math
I pray every night. It helps me fall asleep
I have no idea how to make a play list on my ipod ( this drives my husband crazy!)
Nordstrom makeup counter over Sephora. You?
I count eating cereal as a meal
and as always thank you for reading cherry blossoms!
Happy Monday!
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