Being an aunt is something I value very much. It is almost like being a second mom in some ways. I am lucky enough to be an aunt of three amazing children, miss K, Mr. C, and little miss C. Now that I live far away I only get to see them one- two times a year but when they see their auntie they know its all about having fun and getting spoiled.
This is my oldest niece, Miss K. She is in the 8th grade, straight A student, and talented volleyball player. She in so many ways is my "little sister". We have a very close bond and I am so proud to be her aunt.

This is my nephew/godson Mr. C. Very smart, loves sports, building thing, oh and bugging his sisters! He has a big heart and he certainly holds a special place in my heart.

Little Miss C and her lipgloss (just like her auntie, she is obsessed with lipgloss). Little Miss C is my girly girl. She started Kindergarten this year and I just love hearing about all the fun things she is learning and hearing "I love you" from her little voice.

I am so very thankful for these three musketeers as its never a dull moment when they are all together. Most of all I love all the moments that I get to have with them and of the memories that are yet to be made.